East Africa
[ Stamps ] Varieties [ Postal Stationery ] [ Postal History ]
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Further information on the East Africa Study Circle's website

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
British East Africa 1890 - 1902
Map of Africa circa 1900
  British East Africa
  Uganda and
  German East Africa
British East Africa Light & Liberty 1890 Forgeries Used
British East Africa Light & Liberty 1890 Forgeries Used
Africa map c1900
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890-5
Forgeries Used

B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890-5
Forgeries Used

British East Africa
  Light & Liberty 1890
  Fournier album page
British East Africa
   Light & Liberty 1890
   Forgeries Mint
British East Africa
   Light & Liberty 1890
   BEA ovpt Forgeries Mint
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890
Fournier album page
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890
Forgeries Mint
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890
Forgeries BEA ovpt Mint
British East Africa
   Light & Liberty 1890   Forgeries Forged postmark
British East Africa
  Light & Liberty 1890  Forgery Used
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890 Forged postmark 1891
B.E.A. Small queens 1896 ½ Anna block of 54
B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890
Forgeries - Forged postmarks

B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1890
Forgery Used

B.E.A. Light & Liberty 1891
Forged postmark

B.E.A. 1896
½ anna Yellow-green
Part sheet of 54
[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
Uganda 1896 - 1902 ~ Tanganyika 1916
Uganda 1902
   2½ Annas Sheet
   R1/1 Inverted 'S'
Tanganyika 1916 >½d Pane of 60 Constant varieties
Uganda Typeset 1896
1 anna Half Sheet Mint

Uganda 1902
2½ anna
R1/1 Inverted 'S'
Tanganyika 1916
½d Pane of 60
Constant varieties
[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
East Africa & Uganda 1903 - 1934
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge  Introduction
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge  Varieties
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge  Vertical positions
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Block of 36
East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Vertical positions

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Block of 36

East Africa & Uganda 1919 Surcharge Sidewways &ammp; 'No country'
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Upward & Twist
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Plate blocks
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Sheet layout
East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Sidewways & 'No country'

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Upward & Twist

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Plate blocks

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Sheet layout

East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Gutter blocks
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge '4' varieties
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Upper left pane
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Upper right pane
East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Gutter blocks

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
'4' varieties

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Upper left pane

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Upper right pane

East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Lower left pane
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge   Lower Right Pane
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Used
East Africa & Uganda  1919 Surcharge Registered cover Mombasa
East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Lower left pane

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Lower right pane

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge

East Africa & Uganda
1919 Surcharge
Registered cover Mombasa

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
KUT GV 1935 - 1937
Silver Jubilee 1935 varieties 20c & 1/- Mint
Silver Jubilee 1935 Vertical strip of 10 R10/1 'Diagonal line by turret' Mint
Silver Jubilee 1935 varieties 20c Used
K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Broken Flagstaff, Fine line
& Lightning Conductor

K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Vertical strip of 10
R10/1 'Diagonal line by turret' Mint

K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Line from Turret, Chapel Dot
& Dot by Flagstaff

Silver Jubilee 1935 varieties 20c Used
Silver Jubilee 1935 varieties 30c & 65c Used
Silver Jubilee 1935 varieties
  Spur on Brunswick Tower
K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Lightning Conductors on
Brunswick & Henry III Tower
& Line from Turret

K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Line from Curfew Tower
& Line from Turret

K. U. T. 1935 Silver Jubilee
Spur on Brunswick Tower

1941 Provisionals SPECIMEN
1941/2 Mint blocks 4
1941/2 Used blocks 4
K. U. T. 1941/2

K. U. T. 1941/2
Mint Blocks of 4

K. U. T. 1941/2
Used Blocks of 4

1941 Provisionals FDC
5c on 1d varieties
10c on 3d varieties
K. U. T. 1941

K. U. T. 1941
5c on 1d

K. U. T. 1941
10c on 3d

K. U. T. 1941 hairlines
K. U. T. 1941 Moon flaw Mint
K. U. T. 1941 Moon flaw Used
K. U. T. 1942
70c on 1/-

K. U. T. 1942
70c on 1/-
Moon flaw Mint

K. U. T. 1942
70c on 1/-
Moon flaw Used

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
KUT GVI 1938 - 1952
GVI 1c Plate 1/1B
  Bottom left block 25
GVI 1c Plate 1/1B
  Bottom rightg block 25
GVI 1 cent Black and brown
  Plate 2/22 varieties
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Spot on Crane
  R10/9 Corner blk 14
GVI 1c Plate 1/1B
Bottom left block 25 Used

GVI 1c Plate 1/1B
Bottom right block 25 Mint

GVI 1c Plate 2/22
Varieties 1940s

K. U. T. 1942
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 2 Head Pl 3A
block 14

K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Retouched value tablet
  R9/6 Imprint blk 8
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 3A or 3B
  block 12
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Red-brown
  Frame Pl 22
  block 40
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Red-brown
  Frame Pl 22
  block 25
K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Spot on bird's breast
block 25

K. U. T. 1942
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 3A or 3B
block 12

K. U. T. 1942
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22
Top left block 40

K. U. T. 1942
1c Black & Red-brown
Frame Pl 22
Top left block 25

K. U. T. 1938
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  Frame Pl 22
  block 40
K. U. T. 1938
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
 1/10 Double frame line
 Corner block 10
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  R5/10 lighter
 Marginal block 25
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 4A block 6
K. U. T. 1938
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 block of 40

K. U. T. 1938
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
1/10 Double frame line
Corner block 10

K. U. T. 1946
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
R5/10 lighter
Marginal block 25

K. U. T. 1942/31c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 4A
block of 6

K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  Frame Pl 22
 block 15 'C' resembles 'G'
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 4B block 6
  'Tadpole flaw'
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Flaw on Lip
  R3/7 Marginal blk 12
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Retouched value tablet
  R9/6 Imprint blk 8
K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22
block 15 'C' resembles 'G'

K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 4B
block 15 'Tadpole flaw'

K. U. T. 1946
1c Black & Deep Chocolate-brown
Flaw on Lip blk 12

K. U. T. 1946
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Value tablet retouch
blocks of 8

K. U. T. 1946  1c Black Blocks of four  Break in left bird's breast R2/5
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Pair Scratch R8/6 Used
K. U. T. 1946
  1c Black & Dp chocolate-brown
  Pair Scratch R8/6 Used
K. U. T. 1938/46
  1c Black & Chocolate-brown
  Varieties Mint
K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 Head Pl 4A/4B
Break in left bird's breast

K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Frame Pl 22 Head Plate 4A
Sheet of 100

K. U. T. 1942/3
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Pair Scratch R8/6 Used

K. U. T. 1938/46
1c Black & Chocolate-brown
Varieties Mint

K. U. T. 1946
  10c Black & Green
  Mountain retouch
  R6/7 blk 9
K. U. T. 1952
  10c Brown & Black
  Double uper Rt frame line
  R4/10 Used
K. U. T. 1943
  15c Black & Rose-red
  Plate 2 3A block of 32
K. U. T. 1952
  15c Imperf proof of frame
  in issued colour
K. U. T. 1946
10c Black & Green
Mountain retouch R6/7 blk 9

K. U. T. 1952
10c Brown & Black
Double upper Rt frame line R4/10 Used
K. U. T. 1943
15c Black & Rose-red
Plate 2 3A block of 32

K. U. T. 1952
15c Imperf proof of frame
in issued colour

K.U.T. 1937 50c rope not joined to sail
K.U.T. 1937 50c rope not joined to sail
K. U. T. 1949
  50c Purple & Black
  Dot between 'LAKE' and 'VICTORIA'
K. U. T. 1946
  50c Purple & Black
  Dot removed pair
K. U. T. 1952
25c re-entry
positional block of eight

K. U. T. 1937
50c rope not joined to sail
positional block of four

K. U. T. 1949
50c Purple & Black
Dot between 'LAKE' and 'VICTORIA'
K. U. T. 1946
50c Purple & Black
Dot removed pair

K. U. T. 1942 1/- Black & Brown Mountain retouch R6/7 blk 4
K. U. T. 1946
  Victory 30c
K. U. T. 1946 Victory
  R9/5 Flag flaw
K. U. T. 1948 Royal Wedding SPECIMEN Pairs
K. U. T. 1942
1/- Black & Brown
Mountain retouch R6/7 blk 4

K. U. T. 1946
Victory Pair &
K. U. T. 1946 Victory
Plate Blk Flag flaw R9/5

K. U. T. 1948 Royal Wedding


Presentation Folders 1947 - 1959
GVI 1947 Postal Union Congress Paris Booklet 1c to £1
1950 Presentation Booklet 1c to £1
1952 Presentation Booklet 1c to 50c
K. U. T. GVI 1947
Postal Union Congress Paris
Folder 1c to 10/-
K. U. T. GVI 1951
Presentation Folder
1c to £1
K. U. T. GVI 1952
Presentation Folder
1c to 50c
1952 Presentation Folder 1c to 50c
1952 Presentation Folder 1c to 50c
1952 Presentation Folder 1c to £1
K. U. T. GVI 1952 (a)
Presentation Folder
1c to 50c
K. U. T. GVI 1952 (b)
Presentation Folder
1c to 50c
K. U. T. GVI 1952
Presentation Folder
1c to £1
1952 Presentation Folder 1c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1954 Presentation >Folder 5c to 1/-
K. U. T. QEII 1954 Presentation Folder 5c to £1 & Leaflet
K. U. T. QEII 1954
Presentation 1c to £1
Sir Andrew Cohen
Governor & Commander in
Chief Uganda Protectorate
K. U. T. QEII 1954
Presentation Folder
5c to 1/-

K. U. T. QEII 1954
Presentation Folder
5c to £1 & 'Dust Jacket'

K. U. T. QEII 1954 Presentation Folder 5c to £1 ~ First Day Cancels
K. U. T. QEII 1955 Presentation Folder 5c to 1/30
K. U. T. QEII 1955 Presentation Folder 5c to £1 & Leaflet
K. U. T. QEII 1955 Presentation Folder 5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1954
Presentation Folder
5c to £1 ~ First Day Cancels

K. U. T. QEII 1955
Presentation Folder
5c to 1/30

K. U. T. QEII 1955 (a)
Presentation Folder
5c to £1 & 'Dust Jacket'

K. U. T. QEII 1955 (b)
Presentation Folder
5c to £1

K. U. T. QEII 1955 Presentation Folder 5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1958 Presentation Folder 5c to 1/-
K. U. T. QEII 1958 Presentation Folder 5c to 1/-
K. U. T. QEII 1958 Presentation Folder 5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1955 (c)
Presentation Folder
5c to £1

K. U. T. QEII 1958 (a)
Presentation Folder
5c to 1/-

K. U. T. QEII 1958 (b)
Presentation Folder
5c to 1/-
K. U. T. QEII 1958 (a)
Presentation Folder
5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1958 Presentation Folder 1c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1959 Presentation Folder 1c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1959 Presentation Folder 1c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1958 Burton & Speke Paper folder
K. U. T. QEII 1958 (b)
Presentation Folder
5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1959
Presentation Folder
5c to 1/-
K. U. T. QEII 1959
Presentation Folder
5c to £1
K. U. T. QEII 1958
Burton & Speke
Presentation Paper folder

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
KUT QEII 1953 - 1964
K. U. T. 1954 5c & 10c Coil strips
K. U. T. 1954  50c Coil strips & leaders
K. U. T. 1954
  10c Booklets Panes
K. U. T. 1958 Burton & Speke
K. U. T. 1954
5c & 10c Coil joins

K. U. T. 1954
50c Coil joins & leaders

K. U. T. 1954
10c Booklets Panes

K. U. T. 1958
Burton & Speke

K. U. T. 1959
 Double overprint
K. U. T. 1960 Definitive Plates
K. U. T. 1960 Definitive Plates
K. U. T. 1960 Definitive Plates
K. U. T. 1959
Double overprint

K. U. T. 1960
K. U. T. 1960
K. U. T. 1960
K. U. T. 1960 Definitive Plates
K. U. T. 1960 Definitive Plates
10c Varieties Mint
K. U. T. 1960 
  'Y' Serif & Retouch Blocks Mint
K. U. T. 1960
K. U. T. 1960
K. U. T. 1960
10c Varieties
K. U. T. 1960
15c 'Y' Serif & Retouch Blocks Mint
K. U. T. 1960 15c 'Y' Serif and Spur on 'N' Used
K. U. T. 1960
  1/- Re-entry Block Mint
K. U. T. 1960
  K. U. T. 1960
  10/- Imperf pair Mint
K. U. T. 1960
  Official 5c Leaf flaw Block of six Mint
K. U. T. 1960
15c 'Y' Serif and,
Spur on 'N' Used
K. U. T. 1960
1/- Re-entry Block Mint
K. U. T. 1960
10/- Imperf Pair Mint
K. U. T. 1960 Official
5c Leaf flaw Block Mint
K. U. T. 1960
  Official 5c Offset Mint
K. U. T. 1960
  Official 'Y' Serif Block Mint
K. U. T. 1963
  University 30c & 1/30
  Damaged 'J' Mint
K. U. T. 1963
  Red Cross
  Doctor flaw Mint
K. U. T. 1960 Official
5c Offset Mint
K. U. T. 1960 Official
15c 'Y' Serif Block Mint
K. U. T. 1963
University 30c & 1/30
Damaged 'J' Mint

K. U. T. 1963
Red Cross 30c and 50c
Doctor blade flaws Mint

K. U. T. 1964 Olympic Games Ray & Colon flaws Mint
K. U. T. 1964
  Olympic Games
  Inking flaws Mint
East Africa 1966
  30c Tourism
  Doctor blade flaw Mint
K. U. T. 1964
Olympic Games
Ray & Colon flaws Mint
K. U. T. 1964
Olympic Games
Inking flaws Mint
East Africa 1966
30c Tourism
Doctor blade flaw Mint
[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
East Africa 1964 - 1976
East Africa 1965 ITU Gold shift Mint
East Africa 1966 Tourism Harrison & sons Limited Presentation folder
East Africa 1966 50c Tourism Colour shifts Mint
East Africa 1966&  1s 30c Tourism& Colour shifts Mint
East Africa 1965
Gold shift block

East Africa 1966
Harrison & sons Limited
Presentation folder

East Africa 1966
50c Tourism
Colour shifts Mint

East Africa 1966
1s 30c Tourism
Blue shift Mint

East Africa 1967  30c East African Airways Colour shifts
East Africa 1967
  50c East African Airways
  2cm Red shift
  Corner block of 4 Mint
East Africa 1967
  50c East African Airways
  2mm Red shift Mint
East Africa 1967
  East Africa Community
East Africa 1967
30c East African Airways
Colour Shifts Mint

East Africa 1967
50c East African Airways
2cm Red shift
Corner block of 4 Mint

East Africa 1967
50c East African Airways
2mm Red shift downward Mint

East Africa 1967
5s East Africa Community
Sheet of 20

East Africa 1969
  30c Water Transport
  Missing Grey
East Africa 1969
  30c Water Transport
  Slate grey Ommitted
East Africa 1969
  50c Water Transport
  Hole in hull
East Africa 1969
  50c Water Transport
  Doctor blade flaw
East Africa 1969
Water Transport
30c Missing Grey
East Africa 1969
Water Transport
30c Comb perf, skip
Half sheet
East Africa 1969
Water Transport
50c 'Hole in hull'
Corner block of 4 Mint

East Africa 1969
Water Transport
50c Doctor blade flaw
Block of 16 Mint
East Africa 1969
  2/50 Water Transport
  Water Spout Mint
East Africa 1969
  2/50 Water Transport
  Shirt Flaw Mint
East Africa 1969
  2/50 Water Transport
  Doctor blade flaw Mint
East Africa 1969
Water Transport
2/50 'Water spout'
Imprint block of 4 Mint

East Africa 1969
Water Transport
2/50 'Shirt flaw'
Corner bock of 4 Mint

East Africa 1969
Water Transport
2/50 Doctor blade flaw
Block of 16 Mint

East Africa 1969
  Pope Paul VI 
  Offset of Gold Mint
East Africa 1970 Satellite Earth Station 1/50 Dr Blade
East Africa 1974 17th UPU Presentation Book
East Africa 1969
Pope Paul VI
Offset of Gold Mint

East Africa 1970
Satellite Earth Station
Pale orange Doctor Blade Mint

East Africa 1974
17th UPU
Presentation Book

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
Kenya 1963 - 78
Kenya 1963
  Official Folder
Tanganyika 1961
Kenya 1963
Presentation Folder

Kenya 1963

Kenya 1963 5c brown shifts
Kenya 1963
  10c Extra dot on Giraffe
Kenya 1963
  10c Doctor blade flaws
Kenya 1963
  10c Doctor blade flaw
Kenya 1963
5c Cattle Ranching
Brown shifts

Kenya 1963
10c Extra dot on Giraffe
Block & Strip Mint

Kenya 1963
10c Doctor blade flaw
Marginal pairs Mint

Kenya 1963
10c Doctor blade flaw
Block of 20 Mint

Kenya 1963
  15c Damaged 'U' in URURU
Kenya 1963
  15c Hyphen in IND-USTRY
Kenya 1963
  15c Spot below Drillhead
Kenya 1963
  15c Paper creases
Kenya 1963
15c Damaged 'U' in UHURU
Block of 6 Mint

Kenya 1963
15c Hyphen in IND-USTRY
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
15c Spot below Drillhead
Block of 6 Mint

Kenya 1963
15c Preprinting creases
Block of 10 Mint

Kenya 1963
  20c Doctor blade flaw
Kenya 1963
  30c Colour shifts and Doctor blade flaw
Kenya 1963 Independence 30c Doctor blade and Dry print
Kenya 1963
20c Doctor blade flaw
Strip of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
30c Orange-Yellow
Colour shifts

Kenya 1963
30c Orange-Yellow
Doctor Blade and Dry print

Kenya 1963
  40c Mint pair
  Serif to 'G' in FISHING
  Broken 'D' in INDUSTRY
Kenya 1963
  40c Used pair
  Serif to 'G' in FISHING
  Broken 'D' in INDUSTRY
Kenya 1963
40c Serif to 'G', Broken 'D'
Pair Mint

Kenya 1963
40c Serif to 'G', Broken 'D'
Pair Used

Kenya 1963
  50c Upward Green colour shift
 Strip of 5
Kenya 1963
  50c Black colour shift
 Block of 4
Kenya 1963
  50c Crimson colour shift
 Blocks of 4
Kenya 1963
  50c Crimson colour shift
 Blocks of 4
Kenya 1963
50c Green shift
Strip of 5 Mint

Kenya 1963
50c Black shift
Block of 4

Kenya 1963
50c Crimson shift down
Block of 4

Kenya 1963
50c Crimson shift up/left
Block of 4

Kenya 1963
  50c Crimson colour shift
 Blocks of 4
Kenya 1963
  65c 'Smoke in forest'
Kenya 1963
   65c 'Extra flower'
  below '6'
Kenya 1963
   65c 'Extra flower'
  between P & R
Kenya 1963
50c Crimson shift upward
Block of 4

Kenya 1963
65c 'Smoke in forest'
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
65c 'Extra flower' below '6'
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
65c 'Extra flower' between PR
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
   1/- Brown shifts
Kenya 1963
   1/- Paper crease
Kenya 1963
   1/30c Green shift
Kenya 1963
   1/30c Green shift
Kenya 1963
1/- Brown shifts

Kenya 1963
1/- Paper crease

Kenya 1963
1/30c Green shift
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963
1/30c Brown shifts
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1963 
  5/- Doctor Blade flaws
Kenya 1964 
   50c Red shift up 
   Block of 4
Kenya 1964 
   50c Red shift down
   Block of 4
Kenya 1963
5/- Doctor Blade flaws

Kenya 1964
50c Red shift up
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1964
50c Red shift down
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1966 Folder
Kenya 1966 
   5c Black shift 
   Plate block of 4 Mint
Kenya 1966 
  5c Carrot flaw
Kenya 1966 Animals 10c Varieties Mint
Kenya 1966
E A P & T
Presentation Folder

Kenya 1966
5c Black shift
Plate block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1966
5c 'Carrot' flaw
Block of 20 Mint

Kenya 1966
10c varieties

Kenya 1966
  15c Break in back
  & 'Ant Hill' Blocks Mint
Kenya 1966
  15c 'Ant Hill' Block of 18 Mint
Kenya 1966  15c Black/Grey
Kenya 1966  15c Flaws Used
Kenya 1966
15c Break in back
& 'Ant Hill' Blocks Mint

Kenya 1966
15c 'Ant Hill'
Block of 18 Mint

Kenya 1966
15c Black/Grey

Kenya 1966
15c Flaws

Kenya 1966
  50c Black shift
Kenya 1966
  70c Dry print Strip of 3 Mintt
1/- White area & Spot in tree 
  Plate Block of 18 Mint
1/30 Fly on Tail 
  Plate Block of 18 Mint
Kenya 1966
50c Black shift
Vertical strip of 7 Mint

Kenya 1966
70c Dry print
Strip of 3 Mint

Kenya 1966
1/- 'Glow worm' & 'Spot in tree'
Plate Block of 18 Mint

Kenya 1966
1/30 'Fly on Tail'
Plate Block of 18 Mint

1/50 flaw x 3 
  Plate Block of 4 Mint
2/50 Reversed 'Q' for '0' 
  Block of 10 Mint
Kenya 1971 Shells Official Presentation folder
Kenya 1971 Shells Leaflet
Kenya 1966
1/50 flaws x 3
Block of 4 Mint

Kenya 1966
2/50 Reversed 'Q' for '0'
Block of 10 Mint

Kenya 1971
E. A. P. T. Corp.
Presentation folder

Kenya 1971
E. A. P. T. Corp.

Kenya 1971 Shells Harrison & sons Limited Presentation folder
1975 Shells 2/- on 1/50 Overprint shift blk of 10
Kenya 1976
  Railway Transport
  Imperf MS
Kenya 1977 Minerals Folder
Kenya 1971
Harrison & sons Limited
Presentation folder

Kenya 1975
Shells 2/- on 1/50
Overprint shift blk of 10

Kenya 1976
Railway Transport
Imperf MS Specimen

Kenya 1977
K P & T Corp
Presentation folder

Kenya 1983 1/50 Mushomoro Mtambazi Partial Gold Dryprint
Kenya 1986 Commwealth unisssued designs
Kenya 1987 Commemorative Pack
Kenya 1987 UNICEF Press release
Kenya 1983
1/50 Mushomoro Mtambazi
Partial Gold Dryprint

Kenya 1986
Commonwealth Games
Unissued designs

Kenya 1987
Commemorative Stamps
K P & T Corp
Presentation folder

Kenya 1987
Philatelic Corp, Press release

Kenya 1988  Stamp Pack
Kenya 1993 Birds
Kenya 1998 - 2003
  Stamp Pack
Kenya 1988
Stamp Pack
K P & T Corp

Kenya 1993
Birds Stamps
K P & T Corp
Three fold card leaflet

Kenya 1998 - 2003
Commemorative Stamps
Posta Kenya
Stamp Pack

Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika
  1976 Olympic Games, Montreal Imperf pairs Mint
Kenya 1976 Olympic Games, Montreal Gutter Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Kenya 1976 Olympic Games, Montreal Bottom two rows of printers sheet Imperf
K U T 1976
Olympic Games, Montreal
Imperf pairs Mint

Kenya 1976
Olympic Games, Montreal
Imperf blocks 4 Mint

Kenya 1976
Olympic Games, Montreal
Uncut printers sheet
Bottom two rows Mint

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
Uganda 1962 - 78
Uganda 1962 Independence Crown Agents Annoucement
Uganda 1962 Independence
  Coil strip of 11
Uganda 1962 Independence
  10c 'Extra flower'
Uganda 1962 Independence
  1/30 'White flaw on Dome'
Uganda 1962
Crown Agents leaflet

Uganda 1962
10c Coil strip of 11

Uganda 1962
10c 'Extra flower'
Block of 4 Mint

Uganda 1962
1/30 'White flaw on Dome'
Block of 4 Mint

International Trade Fair Flaw behind crane Blocks
International Trade Fair 26mm Red shift
Uganda 1965 Birds EAP&T Presentation Folder
Uganda 1965 Birds
  15c 'Long claw'
Uganda 1965
International Trade Fair
Flaw behind crane

Uganda 1965
International Trade Fair
26mm Red shift

Uganda 1965
Birds EAP&T
Presentation Folder

Uganda 1965
15c 'Long claw'
Block of 4

Uganda 1965 Birds
  15c 'Long claw'
Uganda 1969 Flowers EAP&T Presentation Folder
1975 Crops EAP&T Presentation Folder
Uganda 1965
Colour shifts

Uganda 1969
Flowers EAP&T
Presentation Folder

Uganda 1975
Crops EAP&T
Presentation Folder

Telecomm Development EAP&T official card
Uganda 1976 Telecommunications Development
  Left marginal Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Uganda 1976 Telecommunications Development
  Left marginal Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Uganda 1976 Telecommunications Development
  Left marginal Imperf blocks 8 Mint
Uganda 1976
Telecomm Development
EAP&T official card

Uganda 1976
Telecomm Development
Left corner
Imperf blocks 4 Mint

Uganda 1976
Telecomm Development
Left marginal
Imperf blocks 4 Mint

Uganda 1976
Telecomm Development
Left marginal
Imperf blocks 8 Mint

Uganda 1976 Olympic Games, Montreal Corner trafficlight Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Uganda 1976
  Railway Transport
  Imperf MS
Uganda 1976
  Railway Transport
  Imperf MS Doctor Blade flaw
Uganda 1976
Olympic Games, Montreal
Corner traffic light
Imperf blocks 4 Mint

Uganda 1976
Railway Transport
Imperf MS

Uganda 1976
Railway Transport
Imperf MS - Dr Blade flaw

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]
Tanganyika/Tanzania 1961 - 1978
Tanganyika 1961
Tanganyika 1961
Tanganyika 1961
  10c Retouches
  Blocks of 4 Mint
Tanganyika 1961 15c Brown shift
Tanganyika 1961

Tanganyika 1961

Tanganyika 1961
10c Retouches
Blocks of 4 Mint
Tanganyika 1961
15c Brown shift
Half sheet
Tanganyika 1961 30c Black shift
Tanganyika 1961 1/- Independence varieties
Tanganyika 1961
  1/30 Flaw on '6' &
  'Colon' flaw
  Block of 4 Mint
Tanganyika 1961 1/30 Black shift
Tanganyika 1961
30c Black shift
Half sheet
Tanganyika 1961
1/- Flaws and varieties
Tanganyika 1961
1/30 '6' & 'Colon flaw'
Block of 4 Mint
Tanganyika 1961
1/30 Black shift

Tanganyika 1961 1/30 Yellow shift
Tanganyika 1961 Independence 1/30c & 20/- shifts
Tanganyika 1961 Independence 2/- shifts
Tanganyika 1961 Independence 5/- Orange shift
Tanganyika 1961
1/30 Yellow shift

Tanganyika 1961
1/30 & 20/- Black shifts

Tanganyika 1961
2/- shifts

Tanganyika 1961
5/- Orange shift

Tanganyika 1961
  20/- 'Snow Cap on mountain'
  Pair Mint
Tanganyika 1961
  2c & 2/- Colour shifts
Tanganyika 1961 independence 10c, 30c, 50c 5/- Dry prints
Tanganyika 1961 independence 10/- Colour shift
Tanganyika 1961
20/- 'Snow cap on mountain'
Pair Mint

Tanganyika 1961
5c & 2/- Colour shifts

Tanganyika 1961
10c, 30c, 50c & 5/-
Dry prints

Tanganyika 1961
Colour shift

Tanzania 1965
  5c White flaw to 'T'
  Blocks of 4 Mint
Tanzania 196t Fish Leaflet
Tanzania 1976
  Olympic Games, Montreal
  Corner Plate
  Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Tanzania 1976
  Olympic Games, Montreal
  Corner imprint
  Imperf blocks 4 Mint
Tanzania 1965
5c White flaw to 'T'
Block of 8 Mint

Tanzania 1967
Crown Agents Announcement

Tanzania 1976
Olympic Games Montreal
Corner Plate Imperf blocks 4

Tanzania 1976
Olympic Games Montreal
Corner Imprint Imperf blocks 4

Tanzania 1976
  Railway Transport
  Broken 'Z'
  Imperf MS
Tanzania 1979
  Butterflies 50c 0n 70c
  Overprint settings
  Cross pane block 40 M
1983 TP&T Corp Stamp folder
2009 TP Corp Stamp folder
Tanzania 1976
Railway Transport
2/- broken "Z"
Imperf MS

Tanzania 1979
Butterflies 50c 0n 70c
Overprint settings
Cross pane block 40 M

Tanzania 1983
TP&T Corp
Stamp folder

Tanzania 2009
TP Corp
Stamp folder
Wild Animals

[ TOP ] [ BEA 1890-1902 ] [ UGANDA 1896-1902 ] [ EAST AFRICA & UGANDA 1903-34 ]
[ KUT GV 1935-37 ] [ KUT GVI 1938-52 ] [ KUT QEII 1953-1964 ] [ EAST AFRICA 1964-70 ]
[ KENYA 1963-78 ] [ UGANDA 1962-78 ] [ TANGANYIKA 1961-78 ] [ END ]

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